Sunday, November 7, 2010

Plein Air Painting Day!

Today I was part of a plein air competition at the Shemer Art Center and Museum. We signed in around 9 and painted until 1:30. The juror then selected work for the exhibit that starts next weekend. The Shemer was originally a beautiful Spanish style home that was donated to be an art center. It reminds me of my family home in Southern California. I loved the light and shadows on the walls so chose that as my first painting. I have been having trouble using oils after so long with acrylics. Today I found a nice solution by starting with acrylic and then adding oil over this under painting. It worked great. I was able to hang on to my darks that way. After this painting I had about 90 minutes so I ran around to the other side and painted the intersection with Camelback Mountain in the background. I had to be speedy, but it was fun. Both pieces were accepted for the show so I was a happy girl driving home!

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