Monday, July 28, 2008

Back to Reality

I had a great time in Vegas at the Blackboard World 08 conference. I teach an online drawing class that is on Blackboard, thus the invite to attend. It was fabulous. The Venetian/Palazzo Hotel is amazing. The trip included seeing 2 musicals-Momma Mia and The Phantom. Both were at discount prices and were great. One thing that had my attention is the vast amount of art to be seen. Murals everywhere! Lots of work for artists in that town.
Meanwhile I finished a painting of the California poppies I had in the front yard this spring. They were in their second year and twenty times more flowers came up. I harvested lots of seeds so next year should be great too. I enjoyed the painting, but don't know that I came anywhere close to the beauty of the flowers. Their petals were so brilliant and the size and movement of them were very intense.
I painted another little cigar. This time the tobacco leaf is more evident. I also did a little fortune cookie. It was fun. A big painting on my easel has a long way to go. It is "Fall From Grace". I have been looking at Michaelangelo and feeling very inadequate. We will see where this one ends up. The little studies are an easy break for me after that one.

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